Dear Twilight,
I’m writing to you today to tell you what I’ve learned about friendship… I remember times you telling me that you write to Celestia from time to time, and so I thought I try… You know how I start my day; I get up, I straighten my mane, yadda, yadda, yadda… You know the drill, then I go for my walks. Today on one of my walks I saw a pony who… looked pretty upset. I mean they were really down. Now, though I tend to stick to myself, a part of me really wanted to help them. The problem was, I really didn’t know the stallion and what was troubling him. Plus I’m super shy; you know how I am Twilight. Now I could have ignored him and went on my merry way… But it didn’t feel right… and he looked like a fine gentlepony… But before I could decide on it or not, he looked my way… Almost like he knew something was up.
Well, you told me to relax and be myself, so I took a deep breath and tried. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I felt it was too direct. So I simply said: “You look like the kind of pony that could use a cup of coffee right about now…” The gentlepony gave a little smile and said he was fine, but we both knew he was lying. I smiled and told him that I was on my way to get some tea and that I’ll buy him a cup, and didn’t have to worry about paying me back. At first, he was debating on it… I mean, I JUST met him. It was understandable. But instead of saying “no thank you.” He actually did the opposite.
Well, after we got our drinks, we sat outside. The weather was fine for it…
<chuckles> For once. At first, it was kind of awkward silence. I knew he felt a little embarrassed being here and I also knew that we all have ways of opening up a little. So I broke the silence and told him: “Hey, you don’t have to worry. I’m not here to pressure you. Here, you can relax and talk about anything you want… I’m Ravenhoof, what’s yours?”</chuckles>
He eventually told me his name… “Coffee… Coffee Taurson.” I told him I was pleased to meet him. Now, in the end, Taurson didn’t tell me what was bothering him, but we just talked. Where he was from, Where I was from (of course I didn’t tell him where I REALLY was from… Maybe one day). I found out he was an artist and I told him I was too. That I like to go for walks. We joked a bit… Before long we realized that it was around 12 o’ clock. He needed to take care of a few things, and I, need to head back to clean up the house a little.
But before we left, He thanked me for talking with him and for the coffee, and you know what? He wanted to do it again. He asked me if Tuesday was a good day, to which I said it was…
Twilight, I learned something this day. I learned that to be a friend in need, you don’t need to ask “what’s wrong?” Sometimes, a friendly little chat is all you need… And that’s just one of the magical things of being a friend.
Your Friend
Phew, Well, I hope you like that little story I wrote. lol I don’t know why but I always feel like I need to write a story for my pictures. it’s not bad, I actually enjoy it. Anyway This is a picture I drew for an artist I know of who needed a little pick me up. I hope you enjoyed it Taurson <sup>_</sup>
Ravenhoof @ Humble-Ravenwolf/Ravenhoof
Coffee @ Taurson