“Anger Fuels the Mill“
Just something I wanted to put together, still not the best when it comes to lighting, and please mind the wonky perspective, I’m not the best at drawing.
Following their discovery by ponykind, the Kirin initiated trade deals and began to expand their territory, realizing how behind their civilisation had fallen in their years of isolation from the world. The Kingdom of Equestria introduced many technological wonders to the Kirin, and perhaps the most important to the life of Fern Flare was Metalworking. The Kirin noticed that their magical gift was uniquely suited to forging, more so than even Dragons, as their breath was too hot, and would melt the very machinery they used. Kirin, unleashing their controlled anger, could smelt the metal whilst keeping their machinery intact, this was a boon to industry, and soon the Kirin didn’t need fuel for their forges, instead using their workers to keep their mills and forges running.
Notice: To me “intellectual property” is an unjustly authoritative law created by self-centered businessmen for the purpose of gaining wealth and preventing the “filthy peasants” from touching their creations, the art I create is meant for everyone, not just myself, thus feel free to use my work however you see fit as long as you aren’t an asshole about it and give me some amount of credit.