Hiya <3 I haven’t been posting a lot but here are some random NG babies <3
These are Nacre Shell and Sunflower Silk, Coco Pommel and Trenderhoof’s twin daughters.
Shell is a porcelain ware designer. She designs and paints things like teacups, plates, tea sets, dinner ware and such.
Silk is a fashion designer, whose interests lie in lolita fashion, so you will often see her in frilly clothes, saddles, umbrellas and etc.
If you look at these sisters, your first impression might be that they’re both elegant ladies, definetely true beauties. Well, the truth is that they’re actually pretty stubborn and snarky, though Nacre hides it pretty well and is usually prim, proper, serene and polite around others, while Silk’s angst is always pretty much visible.
Nacre Shell is spoiled brat and can be quite the bitch if she wants to. She can be mean, superficial and judges others a lot, and she is always picking on her sister and annoying her (just as Silk does to her) and sometimes Shell will make it seem like Silk is the one to blame when they mess up. They argue a lot but deep inside they might, just a little bit, love each other. I think.
Sunflower is deeply annoyed by the front her sister puts up, specially because she’s usually pursued as the innocent and well behaved one, when it’s usually quite the opposite.
a couple of facts about them~
Nacre Shell can be quite offensive towards her sister just to purely annoy her, but if you dare to insult Silk in front of her, man you’re doomed. “No one insults my sister excepts me”.
Ironically, Silk is named after a flower but she is badly allergic to pollen and has a very sensitive nose for any kind of smell and specially perfumes.