On the off chance on a Rather Sunny Day on yet another type of Resort like a Tropical Water Temple
Rachidile and his Goddesses the Subjects come across a Rather Terrifying and yet to Rachidile an Amazing Sight
Sitting in Front of him was a God of Destruction from another World and a Creature Rachidile holds a great deal of Respect for.
After Offering him various Foods the Resort had to Offer Rachidile then asked if he could talk to Lord Beerus
Beerus didn’t seem to mind so Rachidile asked the Obvious Question “Why are you Here in our Dimension?”
Beerus Answered “To be Truthful I was caught in a Deep Meditative state pondering things when I must’ve accidentally let go of Whis and plummeted into your Dimension…. So I guess for now I’m a Visitor here…
Rachidile smiled and replied “well you’re welcome to enjoy yourself here as long as you need to this world has some Great places to explore and some tasty Treats too”
Beerus chuckled “As you’ve shown me with this very pleasant Spread you and your Friends know how to treat a Foreign God in your World… In Fact I like you so much I’ll admit to you 3 only that I would be at my Full power and would’ve happily blasted this Universe to dust if not for 2 Reasons.
1. Because this Dimension is Not even of my Universal Makeup I cannot Reach My Maximum Power here…. Still Formidable as a God… But not nearly as Strong as I would be back home…
and 2. Because you’ve shown my a great deal of Hospitality for Beings that barely know me…”
He continued while picking up a Cheesy Pizza Slice “Until Whis can locate me I guess I’m stuck here so If you need help I suppose you could ask me for it if you ever need it… But I will come back here for more of these Goodies as you Call them Rachidile… In fact I insist you let me try some of your Cooking since you claim you cook With Unorthodox Methods and a Blend of Sauces and Spices that would confuse an entire chef staff… I want to see if it’s any good.”
Rachidile Squee’d in Happiness “Hell Yeah! You got it Lord Beerus! In fact you visit with Whis I’ll make a Feast I tell you! A FEAST!”
Beerus gave Rachidile a Smile and Replied “Judging by how you react similar to myself when the word Feast is involved I’ll be expecting something Amazing… Until then I think I’m just going to Relax and take a nap if you don’t mind… It’s going to take Whis awhile to find me…
Beerus Model courtesy of
Subjects Copyright to
And Rachidile’s Obviously me.