Uh oh, ENFJs are the ones I know least about… um… let’s see..
What I know; ENFJs usually make great presidents, they are full of their own ideas, but do not mind taking their peers ideas in as well. They are very understanding, outgoing and charismatic, however they have the tendacy of being too sensative.
Here’s hoping that I did a good enough description sorry ENFJs, I just don’t know much about yous as I know about other types…
Anyway, here we have some examples;
Doctor Bones- Star Trek
Hans- Frozen
Rampunzel- Tangled
Lestrade- Sherlock
Agent Phil Coulson- Marvel Comic Books
Peeta- The Hunger Games
Rarity- My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
Get Other types below!
INTP pony
INTJ pony
ENTJ pony……