INFPs are kind and livley. They will liven’ you up with their kind spirit and charisma, because of their confidence, you will easily mistaken them as Extroverts, but they are surely Introverts. They love to smile and have good time laughing with their close mates, they are also great brainstormers and excellent authors.
Have some examples down below!
Rampunzel- Tangled
Spider Man(Peter Parker)- Spider Man
Luna- My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic
Rose Dawson- Titanic
Zukko- Avatar; The Last Airbender
Kermit the Frog- The Muppets
Amelia Pond- Doctor Who
Fluttershy- My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
So who’s an INFP out there? My father is one
Get the other types down below!
INTP pony
INTJ pony
ENTJ pony
Expect more soon! ;D