Title: The Moon
Series: Brony Tarot Deck
Size: 6” x 12“
Date: March 2019
Media: Ink and Colored Pencils
Nicely done for for guessing your’s truly for the next card. Yeah, I wanted to put myself in this deck because I use Tarot and am into this kind of stuff, along with Season and Aeon. I originally had myself as Temperance because of my strong belief in Balance, but at the end of the day, I found I fit the Moon also because like the moon, I have hidden sides to me and I am very secretive person. The Moon illuminates your way, but to a point. Just like I do like helping others, but at the end of the day I know personally it’s up to that person to help themselves. Plus there are dark sides to me that people aren’t aware of, unless they are my closest friends on this planet. The Moon is also about hidden dangers and illusions. This is where one must rely on intuition to find their route. In fact the Moon encourages one to trust their instincts more and I for one believe that 100%.
In this picture I wanted to focus on atmosphere because that’s what I think of when I think of illusions and hidden dangers. So I do have the Moon lighting a path up to help someone be aware of their surroundings, but there’s still a dangerous road ahead. I am very happy with this result as far as atmosphere goes. Colors associated with the moon are red violet and purple so I tried incorporating those two. My attire was partially inspired by Princess Serenity (Sailor Moon’s royal persona) and Super Sailor Moon’s head gear. Hey it’s the Moon so I can get away with it lol.
Next card will be the Sun.