Artist’s description from DA:
Okay so I’m being a bit indecisive about some of my characters and was hoping you guys might be able to offer me some input.
Some things are final while others (mostly colors) I would like some opinions on (and then maybe completely disregard said opinions cuz my brain a dick sometimes)So first up is Marigold. She is getting a new cutiemark and I’m drawing her to look a bit older since she looked to be the same age as all the cmc kids before (which she isn’t) so yeah she got a bit taller and more pony-ish.
But I am still conflicted about her colors since I love blue but the one with a more purple hint might be more suitable considering her parents. (Yes its barely noticable but my thought factory is making a big deal out of it as per usual)Love Letter is getting a new eye color, just wanted to mention that.
Then Crabby is changing parents, she is going to be a Diamond Tiara x Applebloom kid, but I really like her previous color scheme so now I’m not sure weither to make her their biological kid or maybe have AB and DT have a donor or something? Please tell me what you think I should do, if you have any other idea or color combo feel free to shout it at me.
And lastly Honeycrisp got a new hairdo. After seeing the Apples parents it just occured to me that Honey and Buttercup had similar coloring, only Honey is yellow and Buttercup was orange. So wanted to make her mane more like Buttercup’s and to maybe change her eyes to be along side the theme of her grandma. So yeah, green or purple eyes?
Like man, its such tiny things but I’ve been stuck for hours on these. So please any kind of input will be very much appreciated and will help me decide what to do about these guys.
I will throw out more redesign stuff later, but this is it for now.