Inspired by the main cast of Mlp and Equestria Girls, i draw weapons that reflected the nature of the mane seven and the rainbooms. Of course, there a unknown weapons for Heaven (that will come in future draws).
Weapon’s description:
- Heaven’s sword true form, Dusk’s blade: nephilim’s blade, capable of kill even demon lords of fallen gods.
- Heaven’s gun, Purger: bullets of purifier flame.
Twilight: Dawn’s sword: enhance magic abilities, can cut anything even space itself.
Sunset: Summer tiara: enhance psychic potential, get pyrokinesis.
Starlight: Astral amulet: get magic abilities, force field, teleportation, among others.
Applejack: Fists of truth: physical strength 1000%, physical resistance 500%.
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow lightning spear: speed 1000%, agility 500%, spear can make lightnings.
Flutteshy: Nature’s gift: heal capacity, summon animals of all type.
Rarity: Maiden beauty: creation of crystals, shields, mirrors, force fields, projectiles.
Pinkie Pie: Omega party cannon: shots explosive party stuff, 5 gun forms!!