The main antagonist of both “Stable-Tec R&D” and “Dance of the Orthrus” this ancient nightmare is the horder of secrets, and among the oldest of evil. Once Pandora, created by the gods to stand as a perfect golden reminder to poies of who rules over them, as she was the guardian of the jar that held all evil, and would open it if they ever forgot who their masters was. After many years, in a fit of arrogance, Pandora opened the jar to spite the ponies she saw as inferior, thinking that it would also result in her returning to mount Olympus, but that would never happen. As all the evil in the world spilled out, Pandora was destroyed, with all but her eyes withering into ash. Boarn from that ash was Pobetor, along with all the knolage of evil, yearning to return home Olympus, and a deep hatred of all pony kind.
During the grate Pony Zebra war, Stable-Tec unknowingly buit their R&D Stable on top of a gat to Tartars, wich lead to the prison Phobetor layed trapped, put their by Celestia over a thousand years before. seeing her chance, she used substantial magic to reach out and manipulate the ponies above, all to eventually free herself, and emurge into a world that would soon be left unprotected.