Spike and Thorax were new parents and needed advice so they went to see Twilight at their castle.
Twilight- “I’m sure I have a book about hybrids, follow me” guide the couple to the library “You can leave the egg in the chair Spike, Sombra is in the Crystal Empire and the boys playing outside, it’s not going to pass nothing” Spike leaves the egg surrounded by several pillows
Alcione- shouting from the outside “Orion I’m going to kill you” both foals run into the library
Orion- moving a teddy bear “Catch me“
Alcione- “You’ll see” points with his horn throwing a lightning bolt
Orion dodges it and the lightning strikes straight to the egg, knocking him to the ground and breaking him.
Alcione- “Oh no” approaches to see it and a small creature looking at she from the inside “H-hello little one” looks at the three adults approaching
Spike- “My baby” grabs the creature and his husband and Twilight approach “Look at her, is not she beautiful?” plays with his little claws
Thorax- “She’s more that beautiful” kisses his husband and her daughter’s forehead
(Sorry for misspellings or grammar)
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