Fluttershy, through the very pushy request of Rainbow Dash, was set up for private flying lessons with Spitfire. Dash, as much as she loves Fluttershy, couldn’t stand to be pulled down by her weak flying ability. Every visit to Cloudsdale became so focussed on Fluttershy’s fear of heights that something had to be done. Through much convincing, Dash was able to get her squadron leader to give Flutts special private lessons after Wonderbolt daily training events.
Spitfire was warned to be especially gentle with Fluttershy. Dash ensured it- she knew Fluttershy would only cower more if Spitfire was her normal military self. And shockingly… Spitfire was really easy on the pink-haired pone. Even more shocking was that the private lessons were a success. So successful that Shy’s confidence level boosted up higher than ever expected.
Fluttershy quietly approached Spitfire one day, pushing back her fears for just a moment and asking Spitfire out. She was honestly half expecting to get rejected, but she thought it was the courage that counted. Spitfire, to her surprise, didn’t blink an eye. Her reaction was pretty much a shrug, a “lol okay sure,” and a slick movement as she put on her sunglasses.
The two went to a bar together, maybe even to Donut Joe’s shop, and spent a long night with each other. It was a surprise when it turned into more than just a date, and accidentally bounced into a full blown healthy relationship.
And as if the relationship couldn’t hold ay more surprises, Spitfire wasn’t ashamed at all of her softie girlfriend, and actually displays her with pride. Spitfire isn’t one to hide something, especially not a relationship, so she “shows off” Fluttershy very proudly. She does, however, get a lot of backlash for their relationship. Being the equivalent to an Air Force General (in Equestrian terms) means many fans and onlookers believe she’s distracting herself from her duties.
-Soarin is Spitfire’s ex, and they are currently best friends. They broke up because they realized they were much better off as good friends, not a couple. He’s a very laid back guy and is really chill with, well… pretty much everything. He completely supports Spitfire’s relationship with Fluttershy and actually really likes the shy pegasus. He loves her, actually (not romantically), and is glad someone is able to distract Spitfire from signing fan mail all the time.
-Rainbow Dash grew up with Fluttershy, and was often the one who stood up for her when there were bullies around. For a long time, though, Dash would only defend her. As much as she hated that Shy was being bullied, Dash had a reputation, and she couldn’t just ruin it by being seen hanging around with Fluttershy. Eventually, as they both grew older, Dash stopped caring what everyone else thought. She kept defending Fluttershy, but she stuck around more, and the two developed a really close sisterly bond. Dash and Shy started being seen so often together that they were even recognized as siblings, sometimes even a couple (though they never considered themselves one), and RD always continued to defend Shy when no one else would. Which is why when she found out about her relationship with Spitfire… she wasn’t too happy.
Dash only wanted Spitfire to help out Fluttershy, and immediately when they started dating the entire Equestrian population knew about it. Dash had no idea how to react- this was her little sister dating her squadron leader. She definitely lost it on Spitfire, not really negatively, but just giving the fiery pegasus many warnings on what’d happen if she mistreated Shy. Eventually, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash worked things out, but that doesn’t mean Dash stopped keeping a watchful eye on them.
-Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy’s younger brother, was completely dumbfounded when he found out about FlutterFire (a ship name accidentally given by the Wonderbolts). Zephyr’s big sister always seemed to be getting the good things in life, and he was definitely jealous. He’d totally assumed Spitfire liked him… for whatever reason, and most definitely tried to convince Fluttershy that Spitfire was with her to get closer to him. Fluttershy had already dealt with his nonsense and paid no attention to him, and Zephyr continues to be in a state of denial and shock over his sister’s success (but secretly glad she’s happy).
-Discord had a reaction similar to Rainbow Dash’s. Discord had always really liked Fluttershy, maybe even loved her at one point, but the truth was, all he wanted was for Fluttershy to be happy. And if that wasn’t with him, then so be it. And besides, Discord was annoyingly obsessed with his alicorn wife, Celestia. Discord had come a far way from his past troubles, and tried his best to be appreciative and supportive. Being Discord means that he’ll be sassy about everything no matter what, so he still gave Spitfire a ton of tips and advice and many harsh warnings.
-Spitfire is quite a few years older than Fluttershy, maybe about 10 years older, but they still love each other nonetheless. They are probably the only couple out of the Mane 6 that have had very few rough patches. They of course still deal with arguments and small fights, but they’re honestly probably one of the (if not the) happiest couples of the Mane 6 pairings.
Aaaannnnddd a new OTP! I’ve loved this ship for a while now, I think I was introduced to it about a few months ago-a year ago, so I’m glad to finally have made some art of these two (: