“Good girl! Show that drumstick who’s boss!“
“Boss, I love dogs as much as the next mare, but don’t you think the owner will notice that their puppy is missing?“
“Oh, I’ll put her back before the owner knows she was gone. Besides, this little rascal found ME.“
“Boss, she crawled through an interdimensional rift before you could close it.“
“That’s beside the point! Besides, look at her! She’s so tiny and scruffy and loud, and she doesn’t let anypony boss her around! It’s adorable!“
“Like looking into a mirror, isn’t it?“
“Oh hush, you know you love me.“
“… Yes. Yes I do.”
- * * * * * * * * *
A gift for lopoddity, featuring her characters Pandora (left), Cupcake (right), and her puppy, Daisy (center).Thank you for being awesome, Miss Oddity!
And yes, Pandora sent Daisy home, safe and sound before she was missed.