Shadster is putting The Elements Of Insainty on Hold on so he can get to his other Gmod and Sfm Projects. So don’t harasss or threaten him to make more EOI cause the more you ask it will Never Never come up on his Channel. So Please be patient and don’t bother making more Shitty Recolor Horsefreaks cause it’s more cancerous then the drama he is going through.
So I don’t if he wants us to do Some Fan Art for the EOI Community or not. Cause he’s been through a lot of shit of his creations this year and last year.
If you’re seeing this, Is it okay if they do Fetish Fanart with your Elements Of Insainty like ( Futa, Feet, Boxing, Diaper, breast expansion and other crazy Fetishes?)
So hope you like this
Fluttershout and Inkling OC belongs to TIShadster/TheInvertedShadow