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Applejack had no idea how things escalated this quickly. One moment the Kirin were celebrating their new found voices and the next Fluutershy was sliding, head first, into Autumn Blazes gullet and Applejack was buried between Autumn’s plump cheeks.. It was difficult to hear Autumn from beneath her rump but if it was important she would have lifted her rear to let Applejack hear.
A soft series of licks and moans from Applejack complimented the grunts and gulps from the Kirin currently swallowing her whole. The warmth of Cinder Glow’s throat had reached Applejack’s thighs and the ravenous kirin felt like she was gearing up to pack away her hips next.
Fluttershy was already a fine addition to the excitable kirin, fattening the mare and blessing her with grippable hips; Applejack wondered if she would fill out Cinder Glow just as much.