After Niko made it to his house to spend his lone time until he came across Starlight Glimmer and her best friend Trixie to comfort his loneliness by serving a Hearth’s Warming cake at the dining room. He feels cheered a little as Starlight gave her words to the friendship he’s never alone when his friends are always around to keep his friendship strong for a support. He surely does a little cheerful as he eats Hearth’s warming cake that Starlight Glimmer brought it’s cake from Equestria.
Niko the Hedgehog from , Sonic the Hedgehog, SEGA
Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Hasbro
(This is the art-gift for Harmony—Bunny for the Christmas.)
Screenshot taken from Garry’s Mod