“I hate living there. That little town is miserable!” Sea grumbled. The little gray bat fluffed her chest indignantly, giving a small huff.
“It’s a shithole,” Parlay agreed.
Parlay just smirked, shrugging at her friend.
“You’re right, though,” sighed the gray mare as she cast a sideways glance out the window. Her eyes reflected the twinkling neon of the street below for a moment before she ripped her gaze back to Parlay. “I’d like it here so much more.”
“City’s a shithole, too. Just in a different way.” The orange mare flicked the tip of her necktie back and forth between her hooves absently. “But equally bad, I reckon.”
Sea nodded. “Yeah, but you have opportunities here. More to life than just working at some dumpy dead-end retail job.”
Parlay stared at her blankly. “Then move here,” she said. “Simple.”
“Simple!” Sea stood up, her wings unfolding with annoyance. “Easy for you to say. Do you know how much it would cost to move here? Sharkbait and I would have to save up for years just to afford it, and I’d still have to find a job, and…” The bat trailed off, slamming her face dramatically down on Parlay’s desk. “I can’t,” she finished, her words muffled.
“I can pay.”
Sea’s head shot up. “But… it would be so many bits!”
The earth pony snorted, reclining in her chair and resting a hoof behind her head. “Probably not even a day’s earnings.”
Averting her eyes, Sea added “Even if you did cover the cost, I don’t have a job. And I doubt I qualify for much, and there is so much competition, and-”
“I’ll hire you.”
Sea sat slack jawed for a moment. “But… You…”
“You can pour liquid into a cup, right?”
“Yes, of course, b-but I can’t let you do all this for me!” Sea stood and trotted around the desk to face her friend. “You may not think it’s a lot of money, but it’s more than I’ve probably ever seen, and I’d just be a burden. What if I messed up an order? I’ve never even sat down at a bar before. I’m too shy to make idle chat! The patrons would hate me, and you would lose money… Oh, I just know I’d mess everything up.” The small mare sat down on the floor, cradling her head in her hooves. “You would be making such a big mistake and I can’t expect you to take care of me and-”
Parlay’s hoof slammed into the bat pony’s muzzle, cutting off whatever she was about to say. “Can you just accept the offer already?”
“I have stuff to do today,” Parlay said, her eyes narrowing. “So listen. You’re my friend. Have been a long time. You think I’d offer this to just anyone who wandered by? You’ve never asked me for anything before. That’s more than I can say for most folks.” The tall mare sighed, then grinned. “So just accept the offer, move into my badass suite-”
“Language,” whispered Sea.
“-and be my bartender,” Parlay finished. “You could repay me by being my wingmare.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh, I wouldn’t be any good at that, but-” The mare was silenced by a stern look from Parlay. “Um. Sorry. If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure.”
Sea’s face lit up with glee, and she began to hop around the office giggling. “Oh, thank you so much, Parlay! I can’t wait to tell Sharkbait!”
“Mhm.” The mare couldn’t help but crack a smile at the display. “Now… get out of my office.” Parlay straightened her tie and grinned. “Probably got a line all the way out the front doors ‘cause of you.”