Well, class, it’s been one heck of a term. We have arrived at the end of the season, and we’ve had a lot of great moments along the way, as is always the case with this show. But before we all graduate from this series of episodes and leave for… winter vacation, I guess, I’ve got one last Season 8 Homework Assignment for you all. It’s the biggest one, in honor of the finale, but I wanted to finish this series off with a bang.
This final season 8 comic is based on School Raze! I thought it was… just okay. Which is not something I want to say about a finale. It had some cool moments; we got to see Tirek and Tartarus again, the students got to save the day, and Neighsay finally got his redemption arc. I just wasn’t too blown away by the Mane Six’s epic battle against… a door, or the episode teasing me with the CMC having an important role in a 2-parter for once only to lock them in a closet because they can’t see the most obvious trap in the history of obvious traps. I also have some… opinions regarding the main antagonist, but I’ll save those for the DeviantArt description. Tl;dr: don’t expect much Cozy Glow love from this artist tag.
…Okay, enough negativity. This is a time for celebration! Another great season has concluded, we’ve got a one-off holiday special coming up that looks really cool, episode 200 isn’t far off now, and I can focus on comics not based on current events for a while!
So… what did I think of Season 8 as a whole? Well… it’s probably my 6th or 7th favorite season so far. It had a TON of great episodes, fun new characters, and interesting lore developments, and it’s been a blast making comics for each new adventure it produced! My only real criticism, Crazy Glue aside, is I feel like it put a bit too much focus on the school. We’ve had consistent themes before in seasons, but they’re usually pretty spaced out between episodes or more of background elements that don’t really directly affect the show’s flow too much. HALF of this season’s episodes revolved around the school, and even more featured it as a major plot point, which I felt reduced the setting and scope of storytelling for most of the episodes. The school episodes weren’t bad at all, but they did make the season feel a bit… samey, compared to previous seasons. It was still awesome, though, and I look forward to seeing what the writers plan to do next!
And with that, class is dismissed. Thank you for joining me on this adventure! Looking forward to the next season!