This is the new Next gen I have!
Like I mentioned in a status, I’m officially retconning Luna and Thorax’s relationship, and she is now in a 3 way relationship with Pharynx and Tempest. I saw the Pharnyx and Tempest ship and fell in love with it, but felt weird about shipping her with her wife’s ex’s brother lmfao. So that’s the reason for the retcon.
I reused and edited line art from an art trade I had with , and I apologize for that. if you’d like me to take it down, just let me know. I’ve just been low on motivation and wanted to design them quickly.
Naris is the daughter of Spike and Thorax. She is a goofy, bouncy bundle of love, despite the fact that she has strikingly similar colors to how changelings used to look.
She very much loves her parents and loves trying to meet new ponies, though a lot of them are scared of her because of her size and nature.
She can’t shapeshift like a changeling, but she can shift her size. Her “Default” unshapeshifted size is about a head taller than Troubleshoes on all 4s, and is as tall as Discord standing up.
She can’t spit fire like a dragon, but she can spit acid. The few times she done that has scarred whoever’s around her for life lmao.
She’s also mute, only being able to make clicking noises like a beetle would. Spike and Thorax have grown to understand them and what they mean. Of course, as she’s older, she can use her magic to write.
Overall, she’s just a naive, child like little lovebug.
I hope you like her.