(This description was made for Derpibooru. A different one is found at the source.)
My Introduction: Hello! I’m new on Derpibooru. My name is…well I’ll tell you some other time (i’m shy to say it). I did check the site out before, and it’s very nice. I’m an artist as you can already tell. Pinkamena is my all-time favorite pony. Mayor Mare being another one of my favorites. The pic I posted is old, but I still make new art. I’ll upload my other stuff on here soon.
Story: Pinkie’s sad because Dashie hasn’t returned from a one week trip with the Wonderbolts when she was supposed to. Three days passed and Dash still hasn’t returned. Did something happen to her?
Note: Please ignore the artist signature on this pic. That was an old username of mine. How I made the signature is also old. I have a different artist signature that has a new style as well now.