The showstoppers [Part 1]
The U-six are tasked with an important mission. They must take care of a very important play in Canterlot! How will they do?
Ponies (Left to right)
Fluttershy + Big Mac = Golden Ginger
Rainbow Dash + Soarin = Mistkicker
Twilight Sparkle + Flash Sentry = Sunspark
Pinkie Pie + Cheese Sandwich = Chocolate Hoof
Rarity + Capper = Gem Glitter
Applejack + Flam = Caramel Candy
Sunspark: Girls, hear me out. We have to do this seriously. Celestia will not accept any mistakes! Mistkicker, you take care of the clouds around the arena! We don’t want any customers or outfits to get wet.
Mistkicker: Sure thing ma’am! You can count on me!
Sunspark: Good. Speaking of outfits. Gem Glitter, you provide them. You and your mom are surely a big helping hoof.
Gem glitter: Very Well, darling! I’ll make sure all of them are as glam as they can be!
Sunspark: Chocolate Hoof, you bake for us, meanwhile, caramel Candy will help sell them.
Chocolate Hoof: Aw man, I can’t get to eat any? Sigh. Fine. I’ll do it!
Caramel Candy: Sure thing, pal! I’ll make sure I can get the best price out of those pastries!
Sunspark: Amazing. Golden Ginger, you help clean up after the customers. You can also answer their questions.
Golden Ginger: oh well… i’ll do my best!
Sunspark: I knew I could count on you! Let’s do this!
Everyone: yeah!!! Base: