It happened a few weeks ago. I was in Morocco on business, then one night I got a little too drunk while playing poker in a back alley bazaar. I had a great hand, and wasn’t afraid to to raise the bet. I tossed my gold watch into the betting pot, which was full of all sorts of oddities and trinkets. Just when I thought no one else would call my bet, a man in a turban tossed in a small gold lamp. I raised an eyebrow and asked if it was gold, and if it was worth enough to call my bet.
The man said the lamp was his, and it was priceless since it came with one free wish to whomever owns it. I laughed and took another swig from the bottle. It was clearly a scam, but was too drunk to really care, and instead just made some smug comment asking if he just walked off the set of Aladdin. I told him I’d accept his silly bet, and with that, it was time to show cards. I laid down my winning hand, and without even being prompted, I blurted out the first wish my drunk, horny mind was thinking. “I wish I lived in Equestria, and was just fucking ponies every day”. I didn’t even have time to blush at the bluntness of my statement. I just glanced at the djinn smiling mischievously at my wish, and down at his losing hand. I won the poker round, I would be getting my wish…
I’ve been in Equestria for a few weeks now, but I still can’t believe what I see in the mirror. A body that would have made my old male self stop and drool, is now the body that greets me in every reflection. I should have seen this coming. I should have been more careful with my wish’s wording. The worst part is, the genie didn’t just send me to Equestria and give me this body, he changed something else in my soul. Maybe it’s just the magic of this body’s “special talent”, but for better or worse, I can’t help but act exactly like the type of mare that my necklace states I have become. I can’t resist dressing like this. I can’t resist glancing seductively at any male that I lay eyes on, while tapping my necklace and rubbing my loins. And I certainly can’t resist offering any stallion the night of their lives for just a few measly bits. One night a guy, perhaps as a joke, offered to pay me the bit equivilant of just ten cents. To the surprise of both of us, I gleefully accepted and felt even more aroused for doing so. I didn’t even seem to care what they offered to pay me, as long as they paid me something, thus reaffirming my degenerate profession. This body is just wired to do the most depraved things, as long as the stallion treat me like the necklace states.
Word got around town, one night blended into another, and it didn’t take long for every stallion in Canterlot to lean my name. These days there is practically a line waiting for me on my street corner when I show up each and every night. I suppose in the end, the genie was at least honest in his wish granting. I had asked to have sex every day. And now, thirty to forty times per night, that was certainly coming true. I just wish I wasn’t enjoying every second of it…
-Twisted Spectrum