This was part of a commission Smudge Proof made for me 2 years ago. The set involved Scootaloo being adopted and transformed by twilight by the request of different characters. It was basically a CYOA style commission with each ending being it’s own thing. Most of the set I can’t post here, but what I can can be enjoyed without the full context. The full set is being posted on Smudge’s discord Channel.
Seems Applejack’s farm hasn’t been doing so hot, so she’s decided to expand into raising live stock, but she needs to do something fast. Twilight offers up the idea of hybrid animals using her experiments. She could use humans to make an animal with a very high production rate.
Applebloom is horrified to learn applejack plans to use her as one of the subjects, and is tied down so she can’t escape before the experiment begins. She is both saddened and overjoyed to learn Scootaloo will be the other, so she won’t have to worry about being lonely.
Years later, a dumb but happy applebloom let’s out a soft moo. She and Scoots have been a great asset to the farm, her giving large amount of milk daily and Scootaloo pumping out eggs all the time. They’re both very happy to help out their owner.