Though the original Elements of Harmony artifacts were lost many years ago, an older Princess Twilight Sparkle proposed an idea to her friend and former student, Sunset Shimmer: if the Element analogue Geodes from her world were to be brought over to Equestria, perhaps the magic of the Elements could be reignited. Sunset, who had been considering a permanent move back to Equestria by this point anyway to raise her family, complied—and the Elements of Harmony (though now with an added seventh Element, Empathy) would soon be reborn into the world through seven foals, rather than re-manifesting as magical artifacts. This time, not only were the Element bearers embodiments of their Elements, but the physical forms of them as well.
As the daughter of the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Clementine Skies grew up fairly close to many of the children of other Wonderbolts, whether current or former — but especially to Starchaser (the daughter of Soarin and Fleetfoot) and Morning Clouds (the son of Rainbow Dash and Gilda), who she considered her best friends. As she grew older, many of these friendships faded, but her bonds with those two in particular only grew stronger.Unfortunately, when it was discovered that Clementine was a bearer of one of the Elements, and Morning Clouds—son of Rainbow Dash, the former Element of Loyalty—wasn’t, Morning reacted poorly and broke off their friendship in a jealous huff. Clementine still hopes to reconcile with him someday, but as of yet, he has been unreceptive to her attempts at mending the friendship. She is the embodiment of the Element of Laughter.
name: Clementine Skies
parents: Spitfire & Amethyst “Sparkler” Star
special talent: spreading joy through painting & inspiring others’ creativity (sort of like a pony Bob Ross)
personality traits: cheerful, carefree, mischievous, absent-minded