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The island nation of Arcatar approaches issues differently than the kingdoms of the Maredoronian continent. When they need physical labor, they develop arcane machines with the strength of a dozen stallions. When they need more space, they create buildings which hover over the existing buildings on the ground.
When they need special forces? They turn to the Bullet Witches.
Promising their souls in return for immortality and increased power, the Bullet Witches are an offshoot of the Coven of Night Witches, Arcatar’s secret service, who use the powers granted to them by Succubi to fuel specially crafted “Witch Guns”, capable of bypassing most every armor, though are more dependent on the focus of the particular Witch than, say, the Equestrian Gun Mages of the Arcane Tempest.
This particular Bullet Witch, Sage Boline, is the third generation of her family to join the Witches, her mother (Basil) and grandmother (Nutmeg) both also being Bullet Witches. In her own missions, she often comes into contact with our favorite Witch Hunter, Skirov, leading to an unusual relationship between the two. Sage likes to flirt with Skirov as they trade blows and bullets, though Skirov has little more than contempt for Sage.