And thus the tale of the Accidental Transit Guardians finally comes to a close. It’s been a crazy journey, and I’m so glad I was able to make it! I’m glad to have been able to participate in the Artist Training Grounds again this year, and take some of my favorite ponies on this journey for all to see. Considering the fact that I improvised pretty much the ENTIRE story, I think it turned out pretty well! …It WAS a lot of work though, and while I don’t at all regret doing it, if and when I participate in the ATG next year, I’ll probably go back to drawing self-contained single-panel comics like I did last time.
The final prompt is Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony starting a new chapter in their life. The trio may have graduated from their delivery misadventure, but there’s still one loose end that is bugging Lyra like crazy. Not willing to accept not knowing, she gets ready to start a new chapter in the journey, dragging her friends along with her as she sets off to uncover the truth once and for all!
Hope you enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed making it! And with that… now I’ve got episode comics to catch up on.