>Cadence cheated a bit to become so jaw droppingly beautiful.
>She has an instinctual spell that shows her what a the target considers to be the most desirable version of her.
>Another self-made spell slowly changes her to match the desire.
>No one is really sure if the move is selfish or totally selfless.
>And Shining has great taste in mares, because Cadence rapidly went from just ‘nice’ to ‘stallions accidentally dick dropping when she passes’
>In another world, Cadence married a human from earth.
>Of course, she uses the spell combo on him.
>Instead of the sleek form a normal stallion would call attractive, her transformation is profoundly different.
>Softer, rounder features. A thin layer of plush fat over her steel cable-like alicorn muscles. Added volume to her mane, tail and wings. Sharper, more defined facial features. A smaller, but much denser chest tuft. The changes continue on from minor or major, but the biggest change is to her rump and teats. Her hips widened to support a larger and meater rump and thighs. Her teats, meanwhile, enlarged from the usual small mounds on most mares to a soft handful tipped with pert nipples. They hang just low enough that some shorter ponies can see nipple from the right angle.
>Cadence on an instinctual level screams “fetile and ready to breed”, breaking the usual cultural beauty standard for a much more primal one. Nevermind that the look is considered unmarely.
>Her husband is extremely enthusiastic is showing her how much he likes her new look.
>A princess suddenly changing her looks to match her alien husband’s tastes sparks a rush by trendsetters to match her, creating a another rush by everyone else to be vogue as well.
>Shortly after, there was two accepted attractive body types for mares. “Conventional” and “Otherworldly“
>Cadence still makes dicks accidentally drop as she walks by.
Short story and picture edit from /4chan/.