“Don’t fret, sister. I know things might be gloomy now, but we can still fix this.”“How? Mummy and father have it all arranged. I’ll be doomed to spend the rest of my life with in a loveless marriage with the most self-centered unicorn in Canterlot.”“I know, but worry not, Lessie. I’m sure we can talk to mummy and father and explain everything. You and I both know you deserve a better stallion than Token.”
Wanted to do more crossovers, this time with my imouto Yui. We both have Fancy/Fleur kids, so this seemed like a no-doi thig to do. ^ Can’t draw my own NG’s hair, tho…
Priceless belong to
Glass Slipper belongs to
Base credit:
My Little Pony © Hasbro