(Just a small head’s up, this might contain themes of abuse. If you are sensitive to this kind of topic, skip this paragraph.)
“Belladonna’s parents are visiting. She can’t wait for her father to get here but as for her mother on the other hand. She is an abusive, manipulative, and just a very egotistical mare. When Belladonna was younger, she used to treat her and her dad the worse. Always throwing harsh words, cruel insults, and horrible thoughts into their minds. And even at work she would treat her customers crudely. When Belladonna got older, she finally moved out of the house and movrd into the Everfree Forest to continue her studies in magic. She refused to let anypony use the nickname “Bella” for her since her mother always called her that when she was a silly, and even today. Ruling over much of her and her dad’s life with an iron hoof, it isn’t much if a surprise to see she still hasn’t changed after all these years since moving.”