Twilight is a mare knowledgeable in many things. Like, a freakishly large amount of things. Things both obvious and obscure. What she does not know however is how to give a speech on the Properties of Psycho-Thaumatic Energy Fluctuations in Mid-level Mana Pools Along Southern Yakyakistan. You’re not hooking the crowd, Twiley.
Fortunately, her very good and reliable friends, Trixie and Starlight, are there to give her a hand in recapturing the crowd’s attention. She didn’t even have to ask them for help! They’re just that good of friends. Now granted the lecture might have turned more into a comedy routine at this point, but you can’t expect to get it perfect every time, right?
Twilight also learned the importance of separating your papers when she failed to collect all of them, leading to some fascinating gossip around the campus, and many, many letters from Celestia. Most of them were demands for a sequel.