She sighed, then heard a voice,“Twilight! Where are ya’?” She looked up, then peeked from her doorway- Applejack was trotting down the hallway,“Yes, Applejack?” She stepped out of the library, Applejack jumped at her voice,“Should’ve known ya’ll would be in there.” She smiled, trotting towards Applejack,“What did you need me for?“
Applejack stayed silent, seeming to try and think of words,“Pinkie wanted to see ya at noon.” Twilight nodded,“What for?“
Applejack bit her lip,“Well- uh- sugar-cube, I won’t lie, but I won’t tell ya.” She was confused,“Why not?” Trying to dig deeper, then Applejack shook her head,“Ah have a pinkie promise with Pinkie, can’t break it. The promise was keep it a secret.“
She growled,“Fine, where do I meet her?“
Applejack laughed briefly,“Where else? Sugarcube Corner, of course!“
She rolled her eye,“Fine, have you seen Spike?“
Applejack shook her head,“Ah have no idea, maybe Rarity’s?“
She snorted, then nodded as Applejack walked away.
—Later that day, at noon—
She trotted away from her castle, heading to Sugarcube Corner.
“This would’ve been funner with Spike..” She spoke to herself,“Oh, I’m talking to myself.“
She groaned as she rounded the curb to Sugarcube Corner.
“Alright, lets see the mysterious reason why she- I’m still talking to myself.” She rolled her eyes, opening the door.
“Pinkie? I’m here!” She called, no one was here.
“Helloooo??” Her voice rang out.
Silence seemed to ring in her ears as she waited,“I’m going to leave, Pinkie, alright?“
“Alright, bye, I’m..I’m leaving now.” She clearly wasn’t, she was stalling.
“Oh no- I tripped, I guess it’ll take me longer..” All of it was a lie.
….A slight blowing noise was heard inside of Pinkies room.
She sat one of the chairs they had in the room, she sighed, waiting patiently, then got up.
“Uh- Are you done?” She called into her room, she finally got a reply, a bubbly and cute reply,“Yup! I’m coming now, just a second, Twi!“
She smiled, she knew she wasn’t alone this time.
A huff followed down the stairs, and a light pink coat and bubbly hair followed after it, along with a balloon.
Pinkie smiled,“Wanna know what’s on the balloon?“
Twilight shrugged,“If it’s what you needed me to come for, sure.“
Pinkie nodded, then gasped excitedly as the balloon spun.
Her eyes lit up, tears forming in her eyes, reading the balloon.
“Like it? Will you..?” Her bubbly voice glittered.
“Of course, Pinkie, of course.” Her voice sounded shaky as she wiped away tears.
Awhh! I let you guess for like, an hour and a half! Aren’t they just adorable! Wait until I come out with the children of these two.
Next one is Luna’s Confession, then the other main six.