Sister picture to the positivity of Rarity.
The ache in her back was gone. The slight blur in her vision was nowhere to be seen. Her back legs could buck harder than ever, and apples had never tasted better. And yet, as Applejack looked at her new self in the mirror she couldn’t help but feel the faint beating of her heart in her chest compartment, now twinned with the sensation of an ever so slight magical thrumm flowing through the underside of her shell. There was something distinctly unsettling about it, like it wasn’t quite her anymore. It was still her heart and her brain; those were the only original parts of her left, but that gave her little comfort.
Her parents were supporting her through the process of getting used to the change and Macintosh seemed happy enough with his lack of aches and sprains, but Applejack couldn’t help but think of her grandmother’s words. In return for nigh-immortality, maybe she had lost something far more important?
Original sketch
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