My magic Rarijack baby!!! Apple Tea
Age: 8
Very close to her Mommy and Mummy. Has tons of aunts (includes the mane 6), and loves her grandparents– as a result of tons of love, gifts and attention she has become a bit spoiled– she is still sweet, but has moments of rebelliousness and super duper high expectations.
She doesn’t have her cutie mark yet, thanks to having both Applejack and Rarity’s genes she will be a blank flank for a bit longer.
She works on the farm ONLY if she gets paid in arts and craft supplies (mainly glitter).
She insists Rarity make her dresses ‘sparklier’ and will sometimes add the sparkles herself. without permission.
She considers Pinkie Pie to be like a big sister and absolutely adores hanging out with her– Pinkie Pie is the main offender of the over spoiling.
Soyeah! I’m gonna do little comics and make more next gen stuff with my favorite ships! BABIES EVERYWHERE!!!