Sentinel Shield was having such a good morning! Visiting her old friend when she wasn’t on guard duty was always fun, since Sentinel was pretty busy with her garden herself. The beating of her wings began to slow down as she glided towards the ground, breaking into a trot as she landed.
Almost as quickly as she did so, a figure began approaching her and revealed herself to be none other than Galaxy Guard.
“Sentinel! It’s been so long!” She smiled and gave her a hoofbump. “How have things been, girl?”
Things had become a little tense between Sentinel and Galaxy when she decided to leave the royal guard, but they were still as close as ever so she happily returned her hoof bump.
“My produce and flowers have been prospering! I’ve made a bit of a name for myself lately. I’ve missed you all so much! I just got back from Ducky’s rock farm and was planning on visiting you tomorrow.”
“Ducky’s rock farm?” Galaxy’s smile quickly disappeared as she narrowed her eyes. “You’re still hanging out with her? The KILLER?”
“Well, I mean, yeah…” Sentinel mumbled awkwardly. “I’m as close with her as I am with you. She didn’t do it on purpose! I still don’t know the whole story, but Turq cares about you deeply and I know if you two just talked things ou-”
“She KILLED MY FATHER!” Galaxy screamed in her face. “She murdered a soldier and she got off easy!”
“Yeah, because-“
“Because it was an accident,” She waved a hoof mockingly. “Yeah, well, accidents are life and death in the guard. Anyone so foolish as to make them shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a cannon, or any weapon, or any pony. She should’ve been stripped of her title long ago! And she has the NERVE to think I’ll be her friend?”
“Gal, it was Hell Week. We both know how strenuous that can be. Nopony gets any sleep and-”
“No, I know,” Galaxy lifted a hoof to silence her. “You weren’t even there. You left ages ago. You have no idea what it’s like. Strenuous drills are NO EXCUSE to slack off like she did. NO EXCUSE to put lives in jeopardy-“
“GET. OVER. YOURSELF.” Sentinel smacked Galaxy’s hoof away, completely fed up with her ranting. “And stop interrupting me! I know what Hell Week is like too; do you honestly think nobody has EVER made a sleep-deprived mistake? It’s been five years.” She shook her head in disappointment, kicking down at the ground to boost herself into the air as she began to flap her wings.
“When you decide to act like an adult, you know where to find me.”
And with that, Sentinel Shield was gone.