This is the third picture of a new series of pictures, promoting a non-existent movie. (It was also the one I ever thought of. Because of course Fluttershy would love these three.)
Where Hyness tries to summon Void Termina, but instead manages to bring Discord (pre-reformation) over to the Kirby-universe. Then Discord decided to fuse the two universes together in order to conquer both.
During this chaos, the main seven got seperated and met up with Kirby and his many friends. Then after getting to know each other, they decided to work together to stop Discord and the dark hearts.
The third pairing are the animal caretaker and the three animal-friends: Fluttershy and Rick & Kine & Coo.
Fluttershy: Wakes up in a forest and stands up Where? Where am I?
Rick: hides in a bush
Fluttershy: Huh? Who is there? Sees Rick You have no reason to be scared.
Rick: Comes out of the bush and looks at Fluttershy
Fluttershy: gasps Oh my gosh!
Rick: Gets scared and runs away
Fluttershy: Oh no… I am so sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to scare you. cries
Kine: Looks up from a local lake
Fluttershy: notices Kine I am really sorry, I didn’t mean to scare your friend.
Coo: Sits in a tree and looks at Fluttershy Hoo!
Fluttershy: Looks at Coo and cries
Rick: Runs back and jumps in a scared way
Kina & Coo: Looks at Rick
Fluttershy: Huh?
Rick: Points towards the sky
(The four runs out of the woods and sees the dark Clouds above King Dedede’s castle)
Fluttershy: Oh my… this looks really bad. Looks at Rick I am truely sorry for scaring you, little one. I became so excited that I couldn’t control myself. You see, I always liked animals. Mostly cute ones like the three of you.
Rick: huggles Fluttershy
Fluttershy: Thank you, little one. Let’s get going everypony!
Rick, Kine & Coo: ???
Fluttershy: Oh, I mean, everybody.
Fluttershy – twls7551
Rick & Kine & Coo - Kirby Star Allies