“Whaaaaaaat. We’re all like. A technological wonderland of progress or whatever.” Vanilla excitedly explained. “It used to be some tiny snowed in village in the north that was only known for having huge trees, but some genius engineering wizard type swooped in and helped build it into a proper city even quicker than New Ponyville sprung up. Not bad for what was supposed to be a consolation prize”
“That’s impressive! I think. How long did it take to build New Ponyville…?” Truffle nervously chuckled at his own obliviousness.
“… wait, you live here, don’t you? Shouldn’t you know?” Vanilla couldn’t help herself looking amused at Truffle’s ignorance.
“Hey! For all you know, I could grown up on a farm outside of the city proper, or something!” Truffle argued.
“Aw heck naw, Truff. What’re you tryin’ to ‘sinuate? Ah did grow up on a farm outside of the city proper, and New Ponyville was built in about three years, finishin’ about fifteen years ago. Learn some history!” Harvest pridefully stated. Truffle nearly tripped over himself in response, and Vanilla’s attempt to hold her laughter broke hard.
“Oh my gosh, she just wrecked you! I love it!” Vanilla snorted through giggles, and Truffle blushed.
“Heads up! We’re here!” Krabby called from the front of the pack. “… and I think we might be running a little behind schedule.”