As you can see here: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/tv-shows/My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic/side-by-side/
It’s time for MLP to be more accepting of black, non-binary, and Muslim voice actors. How can a show that touts “friendship is magic” only allow white, straight, and Christian people to represent friends and be role models for girls? I have many black friends, and I know many non-binary and Muslim people who can be role models. Also, there are lots of black, non-binary, and Muslims girls who watch and love MLP – more than white, straight and Christian fans – but what pony can they look up to when they’re not being voiced by people like them? Imagine if Martin Luther King Jr. was played by a white man in a movie; you’d be furious! So where’s the fury over this non-inclusive choice of VAs? Can we seriously believe that ponies would all be white, straight, and Christian? Dragons are mythical creatures, yet Spike is voiced by a white woman? Surely there must be black, non-binary, and Muslim ponies in Equestria! So where’s the representation for it? Where are the role models we really need? How can black girls know they can grow up to be voice actors for the show if the cast is whitewashed? How can non-binary girls know they can be accepted by society if the cast is cis scum? How can Muslim girls know Islam is a religion of peace if the cast is a band of Crusaders? If these oppressed people can’t get representation, than who are we to say “never again” to the Holocaust? Their lives are on the line! The world needs to love them, not oppress them! We need more diverse VAs for a more diverse humanity! We need a MLP that really shows friendship is magic!