^ <sup>The last ones were really bland and boring, so I re-did them~</sup>—
<sup>Pinkie Pie’s filly- Candyfloss</sup>
<sup>Bright and outgoing like her mother. She specializes in cotton candy and sweet making, but she still loves to party like her mom.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be purple and yellow cotton candy on a stick.</sup><sup>Rainbow Dash’s filly- Typhoon</sup>
<sup>Daring and brash, Typhoon loves flying and competing in many races, but she doesn’t like helping with the weather. She is very protective of her friends.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be a grey tornado.</sup><sup>Rarity’s filly- Glimmer</sup>
<sup>Calm, collected, and quiet, this little filly loves doing make up and hair. She is very fashionable and loves to wear dresses.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be a hairbrush with a lock of purple hair.</sup><sup>Twilight Sparkle’s filly- Aurora Frost</sup>
<sup>Smart, bright, and gifted, Aurora likes to practice magic and someday hopes she will become like her mother. She’s enrolled in Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be a pink swirl with sparkles.</sup><sup>Fluttershy’s filly- Rosebud</sup>
<sup>Sweet, shy, and caring much like her mom. She enjoys tending to her garden in her spare time and has a certain way with plants.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be a rosebud with a blue heart.</sup><sup>Applejack’s filly- Apple Butter</sup>
<sup>Happy, friendly, and country. She loves to help ponies and make apple-oriented treats and foods. She isn’t good at applebucking, though, for some reason.</sup>
<sup>Her cutie mark will be a jar of apple butter.</sup>
<sup>Base © LillybugFanArtist</sup>