EDIT: I was really unhappy with Accordia, so I decided to give her character a rehaul. Her horns were inspired by Loki, and her mane was inspired by cherry blossom trees.
Name: Princess Solstice
Nickname: Sully, Sol
Gender: Female
Specie: Half alicorn/half draconequus
Parents: Discord and Princess Celestia
Siblings: Entropy (younger brother)
Relationship Status: n/aSpecial Talent: n/a
Likes: tba
Dislikes: tba
Personality: tba
-Solstice was the unplanned firstborn of Princess Celestia and Discord. At the time of her conception, her parents had been seeing each other secretly to avoid any negative reaction to their relationship, be it with the citizens of Equestria or Equestrian allies. Discord and Celestia were excited, stressed, and scared knowing that they were about to bring a new life in the world. Previously, they had thought it would be impossible for them to even have a child due to the complication of Discord’s odd genetics. The couple hurriedly made the announcement of their relationship and received both positive and negative response.
-Upon her birth, Celestia and Discord were relieved to see that she had been born healthy, as they had worried that there could be complications with her. Being that Discord was the only Draconequus to have ever existed, they knew little to nothing about what to expect with a Draconequus/Alicorn hybrid. It was recognized early on that Solstice was very talented with magic. She was the spawn of two of the most magical beings in the land. Reality-warping draconequus magic and alicorn magic came naturally to her, and her abilities soared.
-more tbh
Headcanon Voice Actor: Lana del Rey