Stella: Ahhh. It feels so nice in here…
Flare: You said it…thanks for coming with me today! We needed some sister bonding time~
Stella: I should be the one thanking you. You usually spend your spa days with Phoenix.
Flare: Ahah..she was busy today. pauses …speaking of which, um…there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…
Stella: Yes?
Flare: coughs I ah…haven’t really told anyone yet but… pauses and smiles to herself
Stella: You’re not pregnant are you?
Flare: immediately turns red What? No! Where did that come from?
Stella: laughs I’m just messing with you. Go on, you can tell me.
Flare: Well…I know you know I’ve been spending a lot of time with Phoenix lately… and um…the other day…we kinda…kissed.
Stella: Oh. That’s nice. pauses then sits up YOU GUYS WHAT? coughs I mean…so are you guys like…dating now? Or uh…was it just experimenting or—
Flare: Nononono! Well…we’re dating, and I think…this is something serious. I really do like her… lovesick sighs and sinks into the warm water
Stella: Well…um…I’m really happy for you. If you’re happy, then I’m happy. wades over to Flare and hugs her After all, we’re….family, aren’t we?
Flare: giggles Yeah, we are.
I would have made this into a comic but I’ve got an evil AP test tomorrow qAq
I hope you still like it though, Faith! >w< I’m pretty proud of how it came out, kinda like a screenshot from the show~
Flare Sparks (the pegasus) and Stella Nova (the unicorn) ©
!https://t14.deviantart.net/MU9i1mn5owd4lrDUe_GjjdQC5vQ=/fit-in/150Ă—150/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre13/6b20/th/pre/i/2012/094/d/d/spa_by_boneswolbach-d4uzxob.png! Background by BonesWolbach