Nickname(s): Ginger, Gingy
Age: Teen
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Status: Single (not ready to mingle)
Parents: Apple Bloom and Carrot Crunch
Species: Earth
Cutie Mark: A twisted churro
Special Talent: Baking with spices
Occupation: Schoolpony, Churro Salespony
Hometown: Sweet Apple Acres
Current Residence: Sweet Apple Acres
General Bio:
Ginger never had high hopes or dreams for herself. It wasn’t that she was forbidden to, but she was just always content with her situation. She wants to stay on the farm and sell her goods. That in itself is the only dream her family could have asked for. And Ginger adores her family, and strongly believes in their advice instead of her own. She tends to put the needs of her kin in front of her own, which once lead to her not eating for almost a week. She knows now taking care of yourself is important, but Ginger can’t help it sometimes.
She isn’t very feisty for a foal, and doesn’t like to take charge. She’s very supportive of others’ ideas, and doesn’t take much into consideration. It’d be a lie to say Ginger didn’t get involved with trouble before because of this. Despite her naive spirit, she’ll whack a tooth out of your mouth for calling one of her friends or family anything mean. But that’s all she can do; funny enough, Ginger’s terrified of confrontations, and would likely cower afterwards.
She may not be too bright or aware, but she’ll likely melt your heart. Ginger loves to see her loved ones smile, and will gout of her way to ensure that. Whether it be baking them their favorite dessert, or awkwardly telling them the corniest joke possible, you can’t be in a bad mood with her nearby. She may not seem like it, but she’s pretty good with comforting others. And she gives the warmest hugs around.
Ginger is very close to her parents, Apple Bloom and Carrot Crunch. She values their advice the most out of anypony, and she seems to have a brighter mood when in the same room as them. She’d hate to have an argument with them, so doesn’t give her own opinion if she disagrees with them. Ginger did snap once, and it really did surprise her parents. They figured out her mentality to them, and they’re really trying to help her stop so she doesn’t become too obedient to them.
She was born after her older brother, Zap Apple Jam, was adopted. They immediately had a bond as strong as steel. The two like to go on picnics and enjoy all the little things in life. Ginger isn’t very good at bucking apples because of her frail frame, but she does like separating apples into groups when Zap is harvesting. Whenever it’s Zap Apple Season, she’s right by his side the whole time.
Her best friends are Lilac Luster and Claudious. Lilac is technically her closest, as they have much more in common than with Claude. But she loves spending time with these two, and they go on all sorts of hijinks together. While Claude is the unofficial leader, Liiac and Ginger follow along without a problem. He’s kind of wary about this because he doesn’t want to manipulate them, but he forgets because of the fun they’re having.