Heaven’s Story:
Part 3: Scarlet Fury
Each pony has its own power and its own strength.
Twilight has its magic and friendship.
Pinkie Pie, her joy and smile.
Applejack, her strength and honesty.
Rainbow Dash, her speed and loyalty.
Rarity, her style and generosity.
Flutershy, ner nature and kindness.
Sunset Shimmer, her empathy and understanding.
Starlight Glimmer, her skill and forgiveness.
But what does Heaven have? Something very different, but at the same time powerful.
My little Pony:
It was for a time hard to forget for the ponies, when two armies of beings from another time and reality came to Equestria, one seeking destruction and the other trying to prevent it, it was Twilight and her friends who asked for help to these foreigners described as “angels of death” to avoid a disaster. Allied with these foreigners, they began a campaign against the invaders described as “metal skeletons”. But it was Heaven who decided to make this alliance, something real.
She performed the initiation ritual of the angels, to represent this pact but in doing so she condemned herself. The ritual caused the curse that these angels carried to mix with the magic of her and Nova, creating a curse on her, a violent curse and crimson. Haven named it the Scarlet Fury.
Equestria Girls:
Despite being in another world, in some way that has no explanation, the Heaven in Canterlot High ended with a replica of the same power, almost as if it had been copied exactly. She got the same curse as her “little sister”, causing pain, heat, strange visions and above all a strange internal fury without control at times and although at first she did not know it, later when Heaven and Twilight came from Equestria to tell what happened. She finally understood the origin of that power.
Who also decided to call Scarlet Fury.
What is the Scarlet Fury in general?
A mixture between Heaven’s Equestria magic and a curse from the mysterious “angels” who helped Equestria on that unique crusade. In other words, a hybrid power like her.
Of some form as much in Equestria as the earth, both Heaven have it.
What causes in it?
An increase in adrenaline, causes her magic to burn like fire and an berserker anger without control, causing Nova to sometimes not be able to control what Heaven does in that state, which is usually to fight until exhaustion.
Although she does it with good intentions, her friends constantly ask her not to take her to the limits, since the power hurts her. But Heaven in order to protect them and those who love, it will not matter the pain of this curse.
- [Existing possibility that the origin of the curse of the allies “angels” of Equestria that caused the Scarlet Fury in Heaven Lost, is coming from a supposed “God of Chaos”.] *
Next part: Hybrids