Cupcake Slash: You sure you will be alright?
Sunset Shimmer: Don’t worry about me. Take care of yourself.
Cupcake Slash: Thank you Sunset, for everything.
Sunset Shimmer:It was nothing. You’ve done so much for so many people. But I figured it is time for you to turn a new page in you life. But there is one thing that will never change..
Cupcake Slashh and what’s that?
Sunset Shimmer: If you ever want to come back, you are always welcome.
I hope you enjoy my drawing. It’s unfortunate to see Wubcake leave the MLP community, especially after everything she has done for this community. Even after her departure I am still excited to see what future projects she will do and be a part of.
Cupcake Slash belongs to Wubcake:
Sunset Shimmer belongs to Hasbro