here is another upload… i call it “Love beneath an impossible sky” it literally took me months to complete including some long procrastination… this one was started in MS paint and finished in Krita and interestingly i originally started this pic out of inspiration from a youtube comment on daft punk’s song “voyager” the comment read and i quote “This song is ideal for travelling, when you are the driver.
But that kind of driver of a vehicle that goes through crystal roads… Under kaleidoscopic skies, passing by cities filled with towers and domes that shine under the light of a hundred moons… While white airships cross the clouds like silent arrows…”
i tried imagining and depicting what that would look like and went from there… i replaced the sci-fi vehicle with two lovers walking down that road. i honestly think a night sky like in this pic would be GORGEOUS… imagine looking up and seeing a galaxy spread across the sky like that, or a nebula swirling out from its star, or that many moons and planets in the sky… i am particularly pleased with how this came out… i would honestly love to lie down on the cool and slightly moist grass under a sky like that and watch distant ships or meteor showers. i actually decided on the purple color of the grass because the music video for daft punk’s voyager uses a lot of purples, blues, and greens in the video especially at night in the vid and also sort of like the silver glow of a full moon irl