Few predators are as feared or as deadly as the Greater Woonar Tiger. It is a rare and beautiful beast, equal parts majestic and savage. Few are safe from its insatiable sugarlust, but none are more in danger than the defenseless cookie. Its only hope is to stay tucked down in its nest with its flock, but woe be to any cookie who strays far from this one sanctuary. And to hunt such a monster takes a special kind of insanity, for once angered, it shall bellow its terrible cry of Mo-om”, a sound that will send even the bravest hunters running. The only hope is to trap the beast, letting you claim victory.
So it’s a long-established fact that ponies are actually cats, and our beloved princesses are most certainly no exception. Luna’s stalking skills are legendary, as you can see. That poor little cookie never stood a chance.
I would like you to imagine Woona proceeding to run around in a panic after the trap is sprung, the laundry basket stuck on her head and a trail of cookie crumbs left in her wake.