Geode: peaks in the front door Hmmm…. looks like she’s not here.
Rarity: Geo darling is that you?
Geode: Well she works from home, should’ve seen that coming tries to sneak to her room
Rarity: Hi, sweetheart!
Geode: Hello, mother.
Rarity: How was school today? Ooooooh are you doing something new with your hair? I love it!
Geode: Uh, yeah, thanks.
Rarity: Why are you being so shy? Come here! Let me see!
Geode: Mmmmm… no.
Rarity: Oh come now walks over to Geo It’s just a little messy, I can fix it! brushes Geo’s hair and accidentally hits her horn
Geode: winces Ah…
Rarity: Oh no I’m so sorry, darling! Did I hurt you? What– brushes her hair to the side GEODE GLITZ YOUR HORN! WHAT HAPPENED???
Geode: No need to scream, mother, it’s fine. I just chipped it a little.
Rarity: Wha– I… What did you do???
Geode: Just ran into a pole. Can I go now?
Rarity: Sweetheart, that’s the oldest excuse in the book. I am not stupid.
Geode: Ooooh mother, I–
Rarity: What? What’s wrong??? Are you okay?
Geode: Mother I feel faint. I… I think I need to lie down.
Rarity: Oh darling, here I’ll take you to your room levitates Geo onto her back Do you need to see a doctor?
Geode: Uhh no, no that won’t be necessary. I just need to rest for a minute.
Rarity: sets Geo down in her bed Do you need anything else?
Geode: May I have a glass of water?
Rarity: Of course, dear I’ll be right back!
Rarity leaves the room and the door slams behind her
Rarity: to herself Oh sure, I’ll take you up to your room, sweetie. I’m not stupid, sweetie. Ugh. to Geo Geo. I’m starting to think I’ve been lied to. Unlock your door please.
Geode: What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of my door being locked.
Rarity: You can’t stay in there forever. We’re having a serious talk after this!
Geode: ……………..
Rarity: sarcastically Good job, Rarity. You really showed her.