Sunshine (TwilightXSunset)
A very thoughtful and determined young colt and local good boi. Sunshine is very studious just like both of his mothers. His magic skills are rather advanced for a kid his age but he’s not necessarily a prodigy. He struggles with anxiety but never outwardly expresses it. He’s very passionate about his goal to be a princess.
Overcast (RainbowXSoarin)
Despite her name Overcast is a very peppy and upbeat mare. She’s a natural athlete but just doesn’t apply herself. She lacks the competitive spirit it takes to do a lot of sports and would much rather help athletes than be one. However, her competitive side does come out when she’s rooting for her friends. Overcast is studying to be a physical trainer.
Geode Glitz (RarityXMaud)
Geode is the perfect mix of her parents having inherited the best aspects of their personalities. She’s cool, calm and collected like Maud, but still extremely sociable and sophisticated like Rarity. Her patience does have it’s limits and she takes out all her pent up rage on rocks while she’s mining. Geode is a unicorn but has permanently messed up her horn much to Rarity’s dismay. It hides under her bangs.
Anjou Apple (ApplejackXTroubleShoes)
Anjou is the sweetest pony you’ll ever meet. So sweet that others think that she’s a kiss up but really she just finds joy making others feel good. She’s a little clumsy, having never really grown into her body. She’s a small pony at heart and she struggles with her size. It’s the source of a lot of frustration for her. The only place where she doesn’t feel clumsy is in the kitchen. Just like everyone else in the Apply Family, Anjou is a fantastic cook. However, she specializes in pear oriented dishes. Applejack was a little mad at this because of her history of apple propaganda.
Parade Float (PinkieXPartyFavor)
Float from the outside seems just like his parents. Always happy and cheerful, but on the inside he’s a sad boy. He’s always unintentionally negative and a lot of his jokes are cries for help. Despite all this, he’s not a downer and all his energy makes him fun to be around. Don’t worry about his well being though. He has a lot of healthy outlets like planning for parties with mom and dad, having vent sessions with cousin Geo, and writing sad poetry (his pen name is Pity Party).
Flower Crown (FluttershyXTreeHugger)
Flower is and old soul. So quiet and gentle, not unlike her moms. She’s very much a free spirit and goes wherever the wind takes her. Literally. She’ll go flying sometimes and just…. floats. She goes missing for hours sometimes which freaks out Fluttershy but she always ends up a-ok. She’s the youngest in her friend group but she keeps up. Everyone goes to Geo to vent but they go to Flower to cool off and relax. She’s a bit of a late bloomer and hasn’t got her cutie mark yet. Her talent is aromatherapy and it’s quite obvious but she hasn’t realized it yet. Maybe someday? Oh yeah, she’s scared of animals.
Morning Star (CelestiaXDiscord)
Morning is probably the most powerful being in Equestria but despite this she’s really down to earth just like her mom. Her magic is extremely chaotic but she has perfect control over it. Morning was very sheltered as a child since Celestia and Discord knew she had the potential to be EXTREMELY dangerous (especially as a child). She spent most of her childhood at home at the castle or the realm of chaos learning how to control her power. Now that she does have control, she spends her days hanging out with her friends, exploring and living out the childhood she never had. She’s a curious one and that often leads her friends into danger but she manages to always get them out okay (save for some minor trauma).
Cicada Song (LunaXChrysalis)
Cicada is edgy and emo as hell. He’s in a perpetual identity crisis as a changeling. And not just a changeling. A changeling/pony mix. He prefers to keep to himself mostly because he feels like he’s too good for everything and everyone. Fortunately, Morning gets him out of the castle. He’s a really good singer.
Cinder (SpikeXEmber)
Cinder was born and raised in the Dragon Lands. He’s a bit of a troublemaker and quite sarcastic. He likes to act big and tough but he’s really a kind soul. He’s very interested in pony culture and likes to go visit whenever he can.