Floor Routine Flutters! hehe just like the others, it fits Fluttershy perfectly. Pin up again why not. :) This Fluttershy I changed quite a bit from the original file that was from early October and spent a good bit remaking it. Although I was very busy with a school class and legit family parties and storm chasing planning.
I really like how this pose came out and I do enjoy getting used to this lighter shading style I am starting to do on the single pics. Usually you’ll see the shading like this on the non-comic stuff cause it’s much easier for me do and looks far better since the comics are their own style. :D I had to use a lot of references and stuff for this pic and honestly it was worth it. Still could use some more polishing but honestly this was pretty good for what I can do right now and this style just work so well for these type of single ones. I told people to give me time to work most of the kinks out.