Chocolate Cheesecake slammed the door to Sucarcube Corner and nearly collapsed, struggling to catch his breath.
”Ya think we lost them?” His best friend, Thunderclap, asked. She walked over to the counter and huffed as she plopped herself into a seat.
”Yeah…” Cheesy made to join her. “I sure hope so. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
”I know right? We can’t even look at each other without them getting on our flanks.” Thunder rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just order some cupcakes.”
“Did you kids want cupcakes?” A familiar voice called from the kitchen.
”Confetti!” Cheesy exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”
”Oh, Mom and Dad were busy so they asked me to take over for a bit,” Confetti came out of the kitchen, her newborn twins strapped to her chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your date. Don’t mind me!”
Cheesy blushed and buried his face in his hooves. “It’s not a date…”
”We’re just friends, OKAY?” Thunder snapped. “Why does nopony realize that?”
Confetti giggled. “You know, when Lightning and I were your age, we barely knew each other. We didn’t think we’d ever cross paths, not as anything more than acquaintances. But with time, we realized how well we clicked, and before you know it we’re married with two little ones of our own,” She smiled down at the two babies clinging to her. “You never know what could happen!”
“Connie…” Cheesy slammed his face into the table.
“Just saying!” Confetti cheerfully placed cupcakes in front of the two teenagers. “Oh, and I think your friends want to say hi.”
At that moment, the door to Sugarcube Corner slammed open with a dreadful crash. Cheesy and Thunder knew then that all hell was about to break loose.
”See? I knew they’d be here!”
”No, Creamy!” Cheesy groaned. “Not you too!”
”What do you mean? I was just helping your friends,” Creamy sat down next to her brother. “Oh, isn’t it romantic? Two best friends becoming lovers! It’s like destiny!”
”Yeah sis,” Motocross nudged his sister. “Never thought I’d see they day you’d get mushy over some guy. And you thought I was a sap!”
”So much for bein’ a lady bachelor, right Thunder?” Pippin Rose snickered.
Diamond Mine hovered over them in excitement. “You guys are SO CUTE together! You have to tell me everything! How you got together, when you’re getting married, what you’ll name your babies…”
Cheesy peeked through his hooves at Thunderclap. Her eyes were closed tightly and she was grimacing, like she did whenever she was pissed off. And knowing her, it wouldn’t end well.
“Just remember, you never know what will happen! Keep your possibilities open!”
”Isn’t it wonderful? Friends to lovers, just like it was meant to be. It’s a miracle!”
“I always knew y’all were crushing on each other. Ya can’t hide it.”
”…what your wedding theme will be, where you’ll go for your honeymoon, how you’ll celebrate your birthdays…”
”If I know you, sis, you’re just dying to wrap your hooves around him and give him a big, wet-“
“Will you guys SHUT UP!?” Thunder slammed a hoof on the table. “We’re NOT a COUPLE! All we did was play stupid dress-up games when we were little. We barely know each other! I don’t even like him!” She smashed her cupcake and stomped out. “Just leave me ALONE!”
Everypony froze in stunned silence at Thunder’s outburst. She was really angry, that was for sure. Maybe they were taking it too far…
But as the crowd awkwardly apologized and slowly dispersed, Thunderclap’s words rang in Chocolate Cheesecake’s head. Stupid dress-up games? Barely know each other? Don’t even like him? He really thought there was something there through all those years they spent together. Maybe not love, but a true friendship between them. The badass fashion designer couldn’t be without her fabulous model, after all. He had hoped they could restart that one day.
But it was nothing but a silly foal’s game to her. All of those times they spent together, telling each other their secrets and growing closer as friends, apparently meant nothing. She had said so herself.
“I think I’m gonna go for a walk,” Cheesy said to his sisters, who still lingered in the kitchen. “I need to think about some things…”