The party proceeds through the winding passageways and staircases, not stopping to check anything in between. The first time Lockepicke had attempted this she had been barked at by Lucian. For now all she can do is keep going forward and perhaps look for a place to escape if she is given the chance.
“What’s with this place?” Hauberk says, glancing around as he walks, “How could this possibly be the same tower we were in before? Everything is different.”
“Wizards have a fondness for breaking the laws of physics.” Lucian says, walking purposefully along, “Their thirst for corruption is what leads them ultimately to seek the powers of Tartarus.”
They approach the final door where Face on the Wall said Joyride was. One final locked door before she potentially has to face some demons.
“Weapons out and loaded.” Lucian says, pulling out an odd sort of crossbow with a box on the front, examining it, and then putting it back.
Lockepicke asks what they plan to do with Joyride.
“She has been a blight on this world for far too long. We finish her today, once and for all.” He says before pulling out a sword.
It was very machete like, with a bone wrapped in leather acting as a handle, and what appears to be a tooth set as a guard. The guard loops back around to the toe of the sword, and has some sort of spikes pounded into it facing outwards. Furthermore the blade itself looks to be made of some sort of sharpened, scarred stone. The whole thing has a very primal, wild look to that clashes with Lucian’s very proper, civilized style.
“Not using your rapier for this one, sir?” Hauberk asks as he has pulled out a two-hoof sword and wraps some sort of amulet around his right foreleg.
“No, this witch requires something a bit more specialized to take down.” Lucian responds, leaning against the door and trying to listen in.
What does Lockepicke do?
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